Quasars gives you the option to handle Futures as ...
# coroutines
Quasars gives you the option to handle Futures as fiber-blocking Futures instead of thread-blocking Futures http://blog.paralleluniverse.co/2014/08/12/noasync/ Can something similar be done with Coroutines or is this where the Quasar byte-code instrumentation has an advantage over coroutines ?
janvladimirmostert: Yes. Ability to perform byte-code instrumentation to transform blocking calls on JVM into non-blocking (fiber-blocking) ones is Quasar’s advantage. This is one of the reasons we do want to have Quasar to coroutines integration: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-coroutines/issues/41
It’d be nice to have the Kotlin team support Quasars / Fibers as part of Coroutines. At the moment, Kotlin 1.1 is not fully supported and it seems most of the support for Quasars is just Java. Would be nice to use Quasars and be able to sleep well at night knowing that tomorrow it will still be supported.
We can support it as in so far as to provide a bridge between Quasar-instrumented code and Kotlin coroutines. You’ll still be using Quasar to instrument your Java bytecode at your own risk.
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I would like to thank all those who have reported issues and submitted fixes/enhancements, and help with Kotlin 1.1 support would be much appreciated.
I was under the impression that Kotlin generates Java byte code, so found it strange that separate Kotlin support is needed