<@U0CG5M9T4> it is going to released in the next v...
# coroutines
@rogeralsing it is going to released in the next version of
under the name of
(unless we find something better) and is now available in
🍻 3
elizarov: is there also some way to create a deferred from a result? .NET has Task.FromResult(...) making all code that awaits on such Task take the fast synchronous path
I think I asked a similar question a while ago and I got a kind of interesting answer: coroutines deliberately dont have a "fast synchronous path", the idea basicallyb eing that if you API has aynchronous behaviour then it should either always run asynchronously or always run synchronously.
but what does that even mean? e.g. if suspend func Foo() calls suspend func Bar().. bar is just returning a value. e.g. 123... what does "run arcynchronously" mean in that context? will there be a yield upon calling Bar from Foo?
in .NET, that would have been a synchronous flow where the 123 is wrapped in a completed Task
yeah I should say rogeralsing I've spent a fair bit of time with WPF so im pretty familiar with .net tasks --albeit when I was doing that C# 4 was new
ill see if i can dig up the article I was linked to and send it to you