yeah, spock (and gradle) used to be my life until ...
# coroutines
yeah, spock (and gradle) used to be my life until two years ago. unfortunately, silicon valley doesn’t want their engineers to work on OSS, even in their spare time. 😞 Hope to get my OSS life back eventually.
pniederw: pleased to say that’s not the case at Netflix. Can’t imagine not being able to do OSS
@danny lucky you! I was talking to netflix two years ago, thought it would be a perfect fit for me. unfortunately, I picked a very unresponsive hiring manager. who needed a full month only to refer me to the netflix recruiter. by that time I already had a written offer from apple, and they were happy with having me work from austria until I get my us visa. (netflix recruiter had ruled that out.) maybe next time. 🙂
That’s too bad, sorry to hear that. Well job stuff aside, if you’re ever interested in what we’re working on over here - get in touch 🙂
@pniederw are you saying that proprietary Netty networking stack with the use of Kotlin is driving some Apple services? 👀
can’t comment on that, but it’s no secret that I’m trying to promote kotlin at apple and help make async programming sane. a few months ago, I invited dmitry jemerov, and he delivered an introductory talk on kotlin + coroutines. interest was huge.
Yep, that’s cool. I think it needs some time to be digested anyway.