Hey Guys, I am working in ktor api response. I wan...
# codereview
Hey Guys, I am working in ktor api response. I want to handle api response. So i read from some medium post. I tried some code. Can you suggest me if there is any better approach then this?
Copy code
package com.example.kotlinmultiplatformsharedmodule
 sealed class ApiResponse<out T : Any> {
     data class Success<out T : Any>(
         val data: T?
     ) : ApiResponse<T>()
     data class Error(
         val exception: Throwable? = null,
         val responseCode: Int = -1,
         val errorResponse: ErrorResponse? = null
     ) : ApiResponse<Nothing>()
     fun handleResult(onSuccess: ((responseData: T?) -> Unit)?,onError: ((error: Error) -> Unit)?) {
         when (this) {
             is Success -> {
             is Error -> {
 data class ErrorResponse(
     val errorCode: Int,
     val errorMessage: String
Hey, it seems like you want to create an instance of ApiResponse for every request's response. The most common return type, however, is going to be Success which is just a wrapper around "data". So in this case I'd make use of the StatusPage plugin and throw an exception that contains further information about the error. https://ktor.io/docs/status-pages.html#exceptions
For my part, I created an ApiError class that extends RuntimeException together with some nice helper functions.