Hey folks! Posting this message here as well, I th...
# codereview
Hey folks! Posting this message here as well, I think may be the better channel for the purpose of my message 😄
Hello people!
I am new to Kotlin 🔥
I do have a Golang background, and I have to admit that I am enjoying it so far!
I’d love if some of you would give me some feedback about this project I am doing just as a server for practicing Kotlin 🙂
Let me know if you spot any bad practice in the source code, happy to receive some constructive feedback!
message has been deleted
@alex.krupa sorry it was a private repo! Now I made it public 😅
@alex.krupa did you have time to take a look?
Thanks mate, read right now all of your feedback, really appreciate you time and suggestions! There are a couple of follow up comments I wrote, let me know if those make sense to you
Sorry, I forgot to message you here after leaving comments. Just curious: did you get a GitHub notification? Anyway, I replied to your follow-ups.
Yup, Github notified me 😄 Gonna take a look at you replies ASAP!
I refactored some of the code! Also the routes and the services now I think they are less verbose and more functional tho, let me know if you have any further feedback 😄