Hi , Is there any way to intercept method from int...
# codereview
Hi , Is there any way to intercept method from interface and cache result “WITHOUT” spring’s method cache ? Take a simple calculator for example :
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interface ICalculate {

  fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int
It just multiplies
, and return the result . Suppose it is a heavy computation work . And there are two implementations :
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class CalculatorDumb : ICalculate {
  override fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    var sum = 0
    (1..a).forEach {
      (1..b).forEach {
    return sum
The dumb implementation just add one by one .
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class CalculatorSmart : ICalculate {

  override fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a * b
And this smart implementation just returns
a * b
. OK , here is the point . I hope client can initialize no matter dumb or smart implementation , and can get result if the parameter is identical. There is a
pattern , described here : https://jorgecastillo.dev/kotlin-purity-and-function-memoization :
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class Memoize<in T, out R>(val f: (T) -> R) : (T) -> R {
  private val values = mutableMapOf<T, R>()
  override fun invoke(x: T): R {
    return values.getOrPut(x) { f(x) }

fun <T, R> ((T) -> R).memoize(): (T) -> R = Memoize(this)
I can use it in the implementation class , like this :
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class CalculatorSmart : ICalculate {

  data class CacheKey(val a: Int, val b: Int)

  private val innerCalculate: (CacheKey) -> Int = { key: CacheKey ->
    println("cache miss")
    key.a * key.b

  override fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return innerCalculate(CacheKey(a, b))
But it seems it’s hard to apply it in the interface layer. I wonder if there are any patterns to achieve : 1. Each implementation class ( dumb or smart in this example) doesn’t need to implement its cache . 2. There are no two versions of method (
for example ) 3. Client only knows one method of the interface , No matter the client initialize smart or dumb class , the result of the same parameter will be cached and returned. For example : such scenario is OK
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val calSmart: ICalculate = CalculatorSmart()
println(calSmart.multiply(3, 7)) // cache miss
println(calSmart.multiply(3, 7)) // cache hit

val calDumb: ICalculate = CalculatorDumb()
println(calDumb.multiply(3, 7)) // cache miss
println(calDumb.multiply(3, 7)) // cache hit
It will work like Spring’s method cache . but I hope there will be a kotlin-idiomatic style , maybe more functional , just like the memoization pattern above . Is there any idea ? Thanks.
1. Maybe some kind of factory which wraps actual implementations around cache implementation. Not sure though if constructors for different implementations can be private so only factory may create instances
I'd do something along the lines of https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-deep-recursive-function/ with a scope that allows for recursion, and definitely the memoize cache needs to have some bounds
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fib(100) = Failure(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)
memoFib(100) = TimedValue(value=354224848179261915075, duration=4.192067ms)
ack(3, 12) = Failure(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)
memoAck(3, 12) = TimedValue(value=32765, duration=150.723097ms)