Any ideas to make this more compact or idiomatic?
# codereview
Any ideas to make this more compact or idiomatic?
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val results = <get collection>
return results
            .filter { it.matchType == MatchType.EXACT }
            .also { 
                // Do logging
            ?: results
                .filter { it.matchType == MatchType.PARTIAL }
                .also { 
                    // Do logging
Maybe also without val results variable
You could group by MatchType, then sort for Exact before Partial, then mapNotNull the singleOrNull, then firstOrNull. It would look more idiomatic, but I think would be less clear and less performant than what you did.
can it even have more than one exact match?
Valid question, yes it can (I prefer not to restrict it elsewhere although it would be possible, and handle here like in my initial solution)
But I can also accept suggestions for that case, where exact matches would be 0-1 🙂
As @sbyrne suggested: If you only care for any first match:
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val results = getCollection().groupBy { it.matchType }
val matches = results[MatchType.EXACT] ?: results[MatchType.PARTIAL]
// log matches
return matches?.firstOrNull()
If you want exactly one
match or else exactly one
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val results = getCollection().groupBy { it.matchType }
val match = results[MatchType.EXACT]?.singleOrNull()
        ?: results[MatchType.PARTIAL]?.singleOrNull()
// log match
return match
I'd say that both do look clearer than you original code. Can't comment on performance though.
👍 1
You can pull out a helper function, for something similar
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val results = <get collection>
return results.singleOfType(MatchType.EXACT)
    ?: results.singleOfType(MatchType.PARTIAL)

private fun <T: HasMatchType>Collection<T>.singleOfType(type: MatchType): T? {
    return this
        .filter { it.matchType == type }
        .also {
            // Do logging
However, a word of warning: only do this if you're certain that these parts aren't incidental duplication. It's easy to turn a code base into spaghetti trying to remove de-duplication when actually you're coupling pieces of functionality that are just similar, not the same. Which becomes a giant pain when you need to change one of them later and you need to un-tangle them, first :P
👆 actually this is exactly what I did yesterday 🙂
And you're correct about "wrong abstraction vs. duplication" (seen too often avoiding of duplication at whatever the cost)