it seems i can define 2 methods where the only dif...
# codereview
it seems i can define 2 methods where the only difference in signature is the number of parameters that their lambda takes:
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fun mf(method: suspend () -> String) {
fun mf(method: suspend (String) -> String) {
and i can call the method that takes one parameter just fine:
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but how can i call the other method?
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mf({"string"}) // fails with overload resolution ambiguity
where the only difference in signature is the number of parameters that their lambda takes
also I mean, sure, disparate arity means different function types, why wouldn’t that be overloadable?
thanks, so the solution is
đź‘Ś 1
You have to look at the lambda type as a whole. So
() -> String
is a different type than
(String) -> String
, thus overloading is possible
sure. I just was not sure how to indicate which one i want to call at the call site.
Yeah that was tricky! I learned it from the linked thread as well