Wrote a list/table syncing function in idiomatic K...
# codereview
Wrote a list/table syncing function in idiomatic Kotlin and without. I find the non-idiomatic one more readable right now. Would love to hear a better way to write it. Both pass my unit tests. https://gist.github.com/AfzalivE/48a9e225246c5cee144b06695f68731a
Copy code
.map {
            it.id to it
can be replaced with
Copy code
.associateBy { it.id }
Also it more efficient
also I don’t think that it idiomatic vs non-idiomatic, both are idiomatic enough, you can sligntly improve each of them, second is more efficeint and simple
Obviously second algorithm is more simple to understand, I woul also get rid of this:
Copy code
newLocalNotes[id]?.let { localNote ->
} ?: remoteNote
instead just do
Copy code
val localNote = newLocalNotes[id] ?: return@map remoteNote\
also would probably remove multiple returns and replace with one single return
Something like this:
Copy code
fun findUpdatedNotes(
        allLocalNotes: List<Note>,
        allRemoteNotes: List<Note>
): List<Note> {
    val newLocalNotes = allLocalNotes.minus(allRemoteNotes).associateBy(Note::id)
    val newRemoteNotes = allRemoteNotes.minus(allLocalNotes).associateBy(Note::id)

    return newRemoteNotes.map { (id, remoteNote) ->
        val localNote = newLocalNotes[id]
        when {
            localNote == null -> remoteNote
            remoteNote.creationId == localNote.creationId -> {
                if (remoteNote.updatedAt.isAfter(localNote.updatedAt)) {
                } else {
            else -> remoteNote.copy(id = 0)
    }.sortedByDescending {
        // we add copied notes at the end to avoid auto-incremented ID
        // from being the same as later non-conflicting notes
Thanks so much @gildor!! Ooh that when block makes it look even simpler
It probably also worth to extract this if which checks date to own function, like
newestNote(note1, note2)
So function would be even more readable
🙌 1
I was wondering if there was a clean way. Maybe I should even make it a function in the data class
I would just make private function on the same class where you have findUpdatedNotes
it’s not a responsibility of data class imo
hmm true, done. Thank you! Looks much simpler and much more readable. I think you're right, it wasn't about idiomatic, maybe it was more about using the right features of the language/stdlib 🙂 Really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help!
I also found, that looks that you don’t need create a map from newRemoteNotes, it’s just unnecessary for your case, only difference would be those lines:
Copy code
return newRemoteNotes.map { remoteNote ->
        val localNote = newLocalNotes[remoteNote.id]
to get id from remote note, so you will save one map
😮 Nice!
@Afzal Najam can you post the final version - these sync two list type things come up quite often
@asad.awadia, updated the gist with the final version. This code only finds the updated ones from the two and doesn't handle any deleted ones. I have separate code that tracks deletions and then excludes the deleted notes from the result of
function. Still contending with whether to keep a separate table in room to track deletions or just soft-delete notes. (It's the former at the moment)