Hmhm, struggling to find a good name for a extensi...
# codereview
Hmhm, struggling to find a good name for a extension function that returns true when two lists have identical content (same references).
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fun <T> List<T>.isSameAs(other: List<T>): Boolean {
        if(size != other.size) return false

        forEachIndexed { index, element ->
            if(element !== other[index]) return false

        return true
Does anybody have an idea? Also maybe there might be a better way to check this?
I think that’s about as good as you can get it really - assuming order matters and
isn’t good enough for equality. You might consider adding an
if (this === other) return true
but it’s not strictly necessary
also maybe just call it
as a personal point of style I don’t really like
for side-effect-ey operations that aren’t at the end of a call chain but that’s a nit more than anything in this case
is for Array, not List. Otherwise, I think they're the same, and you have just provided a meaningful name.
compares with `==
.equals()`, the requirement was identity equality of the elements
I think this is about as concise as I could get it
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infix fun <E> List<E>.identicalTo(other: List<E>): Boolean = when {
  this === other -> true
  size != other.size -> false
  else -> withIndex().all { (index, value) ->
    value === other[index]
or this very mildly cursed looking thing
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infix fun <E> List<E>.identicalTo(other: List<E>): Boolean =
    other === this
        || other.size == size
        && withIndex().all { (index, value) ->
      value == other[index]
Thank you all! Curious usecase and understandable, that this isn't in the standard lib
👍 1
The withIndex is smart!
🙏 1