There’s been some code produced that’s created mix...
# codereview
There’s been some code produced that’s created mixed feelings in the team. I’d love to hear your feedback on it. This class was created to give meaning to why a value would be missing within a model
Copy code
sealed class UserInput<out T : Any> {
    data class Value<T : Any>(val output: T) : UserInput<T>()
    object Missing : UserInput<Nothing>()
The problem with it is that we can’t use Kotlin’s null-safe operators like
. Do you think there is value in knowing why something is missing? If so, is it worth the loss of null-safe operators?
Is this really telling you why it's missing? This is effectively a custom Option/Optional class, so I don't see any value over
as the type.
In Java, one would use
for this, as it doesn't allow one to differentiate between a String and a String that may be absent. Kotlin doesn't require
being part of the type system. So I'd say this is a perfect case where Kotlin is stronger, and one should use the language features.
While I’m definitely leaning towards using the language’s null-safe features, though the two classes are structurally similar, I think that there’s enough of a contextual difference that the naming gives. Really appreciate your feedback!
If you decide the explicit typing is worth it but still want syntactic sugar, it's trivial to define a family of operators on this type that let you write fluent code.
You could also use an
inline class
for this.
inline class UserInput<T>(val value:T)
. And then define type as
when it could be missing, and then once it exists, functions can take the non-null version.
All depends on how you want to write your code/functions.
compiler complains about that for me
Hmm, ok. Actually, that makes sense as it has to inline the type. Will your user input type actually change? So you could just use a regular class, and have it be nullable. Apologies for that.
That said, this is how the built-in
type works and the compiler is actually generating bytecode for this that looks reasonable, so I think it’s probably one of those “experimental” things.
We’ve dropped the use of it but I think it’s still an interesting thing to talk about 😄 @Mike Oh thanks! I need to read into what the inline keyword does… @Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] I was thinking the same - though a lot of the functions added would fuel the thought that it really looks a lot like an Optional 😄 What I tried to do was to create a
but that’s obviously not supported. I also looked into creating a contract or operator overload where I could express to the compiler that
returns(x !is Missing) implies (this is Value)
but couldn’t find anything that’d help