``` if (ocrItem.pattern is DateRegex) { ...
# codereview
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if (ocrItem.pattern is DateRegex) {
                        ocrItem.newValue = result.transformToDefaultDate()
                    } else {
                        ocrItem.newValue = result
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ocrItem.newValue = result.let { if ocrItem.pattern is DateRegex it.transformToDefaultDate() else it }
I'm not sure if it is more readable after all but looks better to me
apart from readability, there’s a deeper design problem: you’re operating outside the object in an explicit way, against the “tell, don’t ask” principle (https://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/TellDontAsk.html): you’re asking the object for data and perform some logic outside instead of just telling it to do it for you. Following the principle your code should be something like:
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// then, inside OcrItem class:
fun setResult(result: Result) {
    newValue = if (pattern is DateRegex) {             
    } else {
(i made some things up as I don’t know the actual types you’re using)
💯 1
👍 2
Also, there’s nothing wrong or “javish” in using a good old if/else in Kotlin: most of the time makes the code way more readable than let/apply/also/?:
👍 1
thank you very much
👍 1