If I'm implementing take via unfold, what's the di...
# functional
If I'm implementing take via unfold, what's the difference between encoding the remaining n as part of the state vs a recursive call?
Copy code
fun <A> Stream<A>.take(n: Int): Stream<A> = 
    unfold(Pair(this, n)) { (s, n) -> 
        if (s is Cons && n > 0) Some(Pair(s.h(), Pair(s.t(), n-1)))
        else None
Copy code
fun <A> Stream<A>.take(n: Int): Stream<A> =
    unfold(this) { s ->
        if (s is Cons && n > 0) Some(Pair(s.h(), s.t().take(n-1)))
        else None
Are they both equally viable, and are there some hidden costs associated with one of them?