a review of Clean Architecture: <http://parametri....
# functional
It was not clear to me but I assume that you wrote the review. Is that correct?
nope, not me
this guy
It was a good post, but his condescension was hard to see past.
Yes, glad someone else pointed this out. 🙂
@pardom yeah, it’s bound to cause some of the usual drama 😕
but the core argument is what I’m after!
I was struck by how the author belittled Uncle Bob then concluded Uncle Bob got a lot right. The author also failed to mention, perhaps he is not aware, that Uncle Bob is now a FP evangelist and is doing a series on FP using Clojure. It was this series (cleancoders.com episodes 53 …) that piqued my interest in repeating the work but using Kotlin as a test of my comprehension and Kotin’s FP chops, fwiw.
There’s a longer argument re- Uncle Bob’s vision of FP to be discussed, because it’s mostly untyped and how he explains some of the concepts is a bit out there etc
Lots of drama and in- and out-fighting, only worth seeing from a distance
I’m always up for complaining about Uncle Bob, but i couldn’t stand the
mountains of wishy-washy material on object oriented programming. Object-oriented patterns are unmathematical pseudoscience, but, perhaps, the old-school programmers have some good insights on large-scale design?
seriously, what a prick. (even if it is unmathematical pseudoscience)
It’s not helpful to his cause - if you start your post like that I (and many others) won’t read it