<@UN7TX5RL2> are you using vertx in prod?
# vertx
@David Silva are you using vertx in prod?
Yep. We do have quite a few libraries/frameworks and services which rely and/or are built with Vert.x
How is it? Perf wise? Resource wise? And how difficult was it for devs to learn it?
It's pretty good, at least compared to Spring Boot which was one of the candidates that we considered back then. It has won on both performance and resource usage for our specific use-cases, that's why we opted for it. To be fair, it was compared to the latest release of SB 2.x available at that time, which iirc was relatively close to its official release and birth of 2.0. So, I don't know if it was a fair fight to begin with. As for the learning curve, it was pretty easy for newcomers to jump in I reckon. The APIs and threading model are relatively easy to understand and reason about and we don't actually use that many Vert.x modules/plugins. I don't really remember, but I believe we might've done a couple of sessions on Vert.x and that was it. Everything else just came during BAU work.
Is it a web service? What kind of throughput are you seeing?
The services are all restful APIs and their throughput varies a lot depending on the business problem they are solving. Our domain is definitely the bottleneck, not Vert.x. Our most demanding API averages sub 10ms responses and handles a couple of thousand reqs/sec (we never really measured by itself since it’s deployed along side a couple of others)
How much ram memory does that api consume on avg? Any DB access happening?
Just to chime in a bit but if you are worried about memory consumption and db access it’s way more likely that the DB performance will be a bottle neck way before vertx will
And memory footprint will likely be dependent on your domain and how much data you need to hold in memory