i am experimenting with KLogging a bit is there an...
# kotlin-logging
i am experimenting with KLogging a bit is there any way to get filename + linenumber in the console/stdout output ? i want to make use of the fact that idea converts
into a clickable link i eneded up making a custom renderer and
overloads that throws and catches to get the stacktrace.. its not clean.. but timing measurements show it only costs 100us on average.. good enough for me
Hey @Nikky thanks for trying Klogging! I have not implemented filename + line number but will look at it if there is demand. Do you have some code you can share? —Michael (creator of Klogging)
i use this function to grab the info fro mthe stacktrace:
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fun getLocation(): String? {
    if (!scanStacktrace) return null
    return try {
        throw Exception()
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        val firstElement = e.stackTrace.first()
        e.stackTrace.firstOrNull { element ->
            element.fileName != firstElement.fileName
                    && element.lineNumber > 0
                    && element.className.startsWith("moe.nikky.")
        }?.let { element ->
        }.also {
            if (it == null) e.printStackTrace()
would probably be better to just add a
callsite: StackTraceElement?
and a flag in the log configuration whether to grab the stacktraces or not.. creating sand catching stacktraces is (relatively) expensive currently i store in in the log context and remove it before printing the items, not so clean.. but i did not want to fork Klogging (yet)
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val CUSTOM_RENDERER: RenderString = { e: LogEvent ->
    val loggerOrFile = e.items["file"]?.let { ".($it)" } ?: e.logger
    val time = e.timestamp.localString.padEnd(29, '0')
    val message = "$time ${e.level} $loggerOrFile : ${e.evalTemplate()}"
    val cleanedItems = e.items - "file"
    val maybeItems = if (cleanedItems.isNotEmpty()) " : $cleanedItems" else ""
    val maybeStackTrace = if (e.stackTrace != null) "\n${e.stackTrace}" else ""
    message + maybeItems + maybeStackTrace
Something slightly less expensive and a bit more intention-revealing than throwing an exception to get the stack trace would be using Thread.getStackTrace() (this will only work on the JVM though)
log4j and logback both use the stack trace of a newly created
in combination with the fully qualified caller class name for location information: • log4j sourcelogback source As logback is supposedly better at figuring out line numbers, it might be worth a look. Browsers offer a similar capability via the
object: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2343382/2529022. However, as such stack traces normally refer to minified code they will require further decoding via source maps.
For performant logging with line numbers, a compiler plugin would be ideal, which would also probably be the only option available for native platforms.
i think i'd rather wait for those to be documented, although i guess it might help with a lot of other things that are limiting on native and js
also.. thanks for the hint about
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fun getLocation(): String? {
    if (!scanStacktrace) return null
    val stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace.drop(1)
    val firstElement = stackTrace.first()
    return stackTrace.firstOrNull { element ->
        element.fileName != firstElement.fileName
                && element.lineNumber > 0
                && element.className.startsWith("moe.nikky.")
    }?.let { element ->
    }.also {
        if (it == null) System.err.println(stackTrace.joinToString("\n  at "))
this code seems to be more performant
I'd also be hesitant with plugin development, though I feel it's good to know that the option is on the table. 🙂