oh dear... this library does not seem to like me. ...
# serialization
oh dear... this library does not seem to like me. I get
class Xy is not externally serializable
However, if I copy & paste the class into the place where I do the serialization it works. Can this library not deal with classes defined in other modules?
It should work. Can you post a sample project where it fails, maybe it’s a bug or misconfiguration?
I am using Moshi now, I had too much trouble unfortunately. If it is valuable for you I can look if I find the project at the stage where it did not work and push it as different branch. I wanted to serialize the following class: https://github.com/loewenfels/dep-graph-releaser/blob/master/dep-graph-releaser-api/src/main/kotlin/ch/loewenfels/depgraph/data/Project.kt