Hi there, I'm writing a compiler plugin and am stu...
# compiler
Hi there, I'm writing a compiler plugin and am stuck on a (seemingly simple) problem. I have an
that generates some classes and methods, in some of the method bodies I need to include a super call, however, it's not entirely clear to me how to achieve this through the IR-apis. With this code, which is meant to just call
in a subclass of `android.app.Application`:
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override fun visitFunctionNew(declaration: IrFunction): IrStatement {
    if (declaration.name.asString() == "onCreate"
            && declaration.parentAsClass.hasAnnotation(pluginContext.externalConfigApplicationAnnotation)
        ) {
        // If body does not already exist
        declaration.body = pluginContext.irBlockBody(declaration.symbol) {
            +irCall(declaration, superQualifierSymbol = pluginContext.applicationClass).apply {
                dispatchReceiver = irGet(declaration.dispatchReceiverParameter!!)
    return super.onVisitFunctionNew(declaration)
I'm getting the following error:
Copy code
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!
While lowering this file: FILE fqName:c.z.a.e.sample fileName:/.../MainActivity.kt
Trying to add this accessor: FUN SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR name:access$onCreate$s-1072845520 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:android.app.Application) returnType:kotlin.Unit
Seems like rather than just invoking super, it tries to generate a synthetic accessor. Any ideas as to why this is not working? I do have a workaround currently that involves just injecting the java byte code further down the chain via a
, but would very much like to avoid this if possible. I'm seeing that there are ways to achieve this easily when dealing with constructors, e.g.
, is there something similar available for functions generally?
Maybe you should provide the symbol of method of super class into
+irCall(declaration, ...)
, not MyClass.onCreate but SuperClass.onCreate?
Thanks, tried, but getting the same error
Copy code
val superSymbol = pluginContext.applicationClass.getSimpleFunction("onCreate")!!
declaration.body = pluginContext.irBlockBody(superSymbol) {
    +irCall(declaration, superQualifierSymbol = pluginContext.applicationClass).apply {
        dispatchReceiver = irGet(declaration.dispatchReceiverParameter!!)
Tried some variations as well, such as providing
instead of
I cannot figure out exact details, like providing symbol to
? I meant passing
to +irCall(declaration <- here).
Maybe you can dump ir tree(
) from - bare kotlin code, and - what you generated, then compare them.