Is there any ETA on the K2 compiler? I can’t belie...
# compiler
Is there any ETA on the K2 compiler? I can’t believe that I have a brand new MacBook Pro and my entire OS still becomes partially unresponsive while Kotlin is compiling something or while the IDE is doing whatever 😅
We plan to release preview version of K2 in 1.7 (if there won't be any unexpected problems) IDE plugin on K2 frontend will be released in some state later (not earlier than 1.8)
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Can't wait for the new frontend. same on my end. editing kotlin files on a brand new m1 macbook pro max is wayyyy more painful than it should be.
maybe this is just a configuration problem. the ide uses a lot of threads which is a good thing. maybe thread priority needs to change somehow.
theres definitely a good chance its user error. I use Android studio and have been asking for better documentation for this sort of thing for like 3 years now. Feel free to star if you're an AS user. 😄
I know it's not something you'd really like to do with the latest hardware, but you can offload some modules you don't need from the compiler in the Intellij It really improves the indexing and responsiveness of the IDE in general
How to offload modules from the compiler?
You cannot, it works only for IDE
ok, but how do I do it in the IDE then? I’m unsure what offloading modules really means here as well
unloading a module in the IDE is just right clicking it and selecting unload I think. nothing fancy it just removes it from being indexed by the IDE I think. so its just less files for the IDE to have to work with.
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Hey everyone. Thank you for all your feedback on this. It’s probably an issue with Apple’s new processor in the OS itself. WindowServer and kernel_task are often at high CPU usage when such issues come up. Netflix also tends to freeze my MacBook. Sometimes the entire OS just randomly freezes and I have to hard reset. It’s just that compiling Kotlin code and using the IDE has the worst impact by far 😞 Compiler and IDE were way more efficient on my MacBook from 2018. An issue with ARM64 architecture maybe?
everything on my m1 macbook pro 64GB beats out My Mac pro tower with xeon processer and 384GB of RAM. kotlin typing speed on both is still not as fast as java, but the m1 is way faster than my intel machiens.
And no issues at all? Things hanging? MacBook freezing? Chrome crashing several times a day? Random restarts?
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did you check that you use aarch64 versions of idea and the jdk?
I am using a macbook air with m1 and its much faster than my 6 core intel mac