can I somehow convert IrClass to PsiClass?
# compiler
can I somehow convert IrClass to PsiClass?
You can access PSI of class via source element (
val psi = irClass.sourceElement?.getPsi()
), but this will suite only for source based classes (there won't be any PSI for library classes or synthetic classes, generated by plugins) Why do you want this?
@dmitriy.novozhilov I'm using IrGenerationExtension and I have only access to IrClass. What extension should I use to do something like annotation processing? I won't generate any bytecode
one bad thing about this extension is that I don't have access to code comments and it might be useful in my usecase
Take a look at google KSP
Or you can use
how is KSP different to compiler plugin? the only difference is that I cannot create bytecode?
KSP is a tool for creating annotation processor like compiler plugins which does not expose compiler internals Check README in KSP repo for more details
thanks. I think I will stick with compiler plugin for now. I don't need to generate bytecode now, but maybe later. so it would be good to learn that.
thanks for your help
IR extension is mostly used to generate code, so if you want to add custom checks/logic, you might want to look into DeclarationChecker, which gives you a PSI element for additional checks.
@shikasd thx