```internal interface I {} public class Exported {...
# compiler
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internal interface I {}
public class Exported {
    protected val: I? = null
Why I cannot have protected property with internal type in FINAL class?
'protected (in Exported)' property exposes its 'internal' type I
The usecase is a public Fragment/Activity with internal ViewModel. We have this viewmodel property abstract in the fragment's parent -> therefore protected.
correct me if I’m wrong but if the class is final it means that no classes can inherit from it, which makes protected (visible to itself and children) essentially useless
as described, abstract protected in parent is quite useful.
ah wait. The problem is different. The issue is that
interface I
is internal. But if
is public (and not final), it means that anyone could inherit, which - as the message suggests - leads to expose something internal to the public.
that's not the issue. the abstract type is obviously public. the implementation will be properly impl detail.
I still have no idea what exactly are you trying to do? But, if I understand correctly, you want to have abstract type, with protected internal property that the public final classes will use The problem I see there though, is that public class can't extend internal one either, so the abstract would have to be public too - that means, anyone can extend it, but! - abstract internal type is visible (which it can't obviously)...
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public interface ViewModel {
    public fun doSomething()

public abstract class BaseActivity {
    protected abstract val viewModel: ViewModel

internal class FinalViewModel : ViewModel {
    override fun doSomething() {}
    fun doSomethingElse() {}

public class FinalActivity : BaseActivity() {
    protected override val viewModel: FinalViewModel = FinalViewModel()