I just got this: ```Caused by: org.jetbrains.kotli...
# compiler
I just got this:
Copy code
Caused by: org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Couldn't inline method call 'withLock$default' into
public suspend inline fun <T> kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex.`withLock$default`(owner: kotlin.Any?, action: () -> T, `$mask0`: <http://kotlin.Int|kotlin.Int>, `$handler`: kotlin.Any?, `$completion`: kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<T>): kotlin.Any? defined in kotlinx.coroutines.sync
I'm currently trying out jetpack compose dev04 and Android Studio canary so I don't mind the occasional exception but is it worth reporting it somewhere ?
I think the best place is the Google Bug Tracker https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=612128 because it's related to the Compose compiler plugin
How do you know it's related to Compose ? It's more looking like coroutines actually
I don't know, but i remember other people wrote that they also had problems with the combination of compose and coroutines
Yep, I'm pretty much in the dark there. If I remove a mutex it compiles again... But then I need this mutex
I see, thanks ! Yea, not being able to use coroutines + compose is pretty much a blocker...
Do you know if I can workaround that somehow by using different modules ? One of them will have coroutines, the other one will have compose.
Maybe, someone had problems with kapt and compose and could solve it with a different module
👍 1
@mbonnin A Googler told me you can do coroutines in one module and compose in another one, yes.
Yep the Android Makers app is now multi modules :-)