Is there a particular reason Kotlin doesn't have i...
# advent-of-code
Is there a particular reason Kotlin doesn't have integer exponentiation? Seems a bit odd to me tbh
unlike float and bigint, there's a very limited range of exponents before you don't fit into the integer datatype anymore
that is true, but when you want it, it's annoying not to have it
a modular integer exponentiation function could be more generally useful; python's stdlib pow does that, for example
if it helps,
is easy to write the naïve O(x) way,
Copy code
fun Int.pow(x: Int): Int = (1..x).fold(1) { acc, _ -> acc * this }
and not too hard to write the faster O(log x) way,
Copy code
fun Int.pow(x: Int): Int = when {
    x < 0 -> throw ArithmeticException("negative exponent")
    x == 0 -> 1
    x == 1 || this == 0 || this == 1 -> this
    this == -1 -> if (x and 1 == 0) 1 else -1
    else -> {
        var r = 1
        var b = this
        var e = x
        while (true) {
            if (e and 1 != 0) r *= b
            e = e ushr 1
            if (e == 0) break
            b *= b
I have to say this has come up a bunch of times now, there's been cases where we effectively have base 10 and base 5 numbers, so its just annoying not to have
with base 2 you happen to be able to use
so you don't miss it as much
if this is for day 10 part 2, folding is better than exponentiating anyhow, as you don't need extra multiplications