I enjoyed day 9 very much too, also because the ch...
# advent-of-code
I enjoyed day 9 very much too, also because the changes to the IntCode computer were pretty incremental and didn't require a heavy rewrite as for days 7 and 5. Code is https://github.com/jorispz/aoc-2019/blob/master/src/commonMain/kotlin/day09/CoComputer.kt and https://github.com/jorispz/aoc-2019/blob/master/src/commonMain/kotlin/day09/p09.kt Nothing particularly interesting about the relative performance today. Average (best) and standard deviation over 25 iterations (ms): JVM 182 ± 104, JS 3925 ± 259, MinGW64 5856 ± 409
👍 1
Yeah I loved Kotlin for the fact that previously my
was just an array and I accessed it by
and now it's
MutableMap<Int, BigInteger>
and I'm still accessing it by