I'm kind of stuck on the second part, all the exam...
# advent-of-code
I'm kind of stuck on the second part, all the examples work, but apparently my answer is wrong 😞
Spoilers There are some helpful threads on Reddit about easy-to-miss details, for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a6f100/day_15_details_easy_to_be_wrong_on/
Thanks, the corner cases are nice, but my code can already handle them. I really don't get if the first part is fine, and the examples of the second part go fine, what could cause it not to work..
Literally all tests passed on my code for both part 1 and 2, but I still did this edge case wrong:
Copy code
So when there are two possible targets at the same distance the target closer in reading order should be taken? Cause currently I start searching from top, left, right, down to the first I find. That would be fixable.
That's exactly what I did as well, but yes you really need to find all targets and then pick the first one in reading order.
Yes, I now keep a list with y,x,move of potential targets, keep going when I find one, stop looping when I find at least one, then sort and return the first move..
So the edge case works now? The Elf moves the the right?
yes, and the solution for the second part is correct now, finally
Also because I needed to use the list instead of returning directly it was much easier to put it in a separate function, so my most complex function was 50, now still 26, but I'm not going to touch it anymore.
How long does it take your code to run now?
About half a second for the second part
Dammit, why is everyones code so fast!
Could be the machine instead of the code, I'm on a brand new MacBook Pro cause the other one died after only two years..
Doubt that, my pc is quite new as well. I'll try to closely compare codes when I find the time simple smile