We have released a set of Detekt rules which help ...
# detekt
We have released a set of Detekt rules which help us find common errors while working on Compose code. https://github.com/appKODE/detekt-rules-compose
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Hello! I would like to have some feedback from your side as a "third-party rule publisher". What kind of tools you miss? For example, at detekt we have detekt-generator that autogenerates markdown documentation for each rule. And it also autogenerates the default configuration file. Would those tools be useful to you?
I would like to increase the number of third-party rules out there and I would like to reduce the friction to do so. So any feedback/help in that regard is more than welcome.
Thanks! 🙂 Yeah, I've got tired writing code review comments related to this. And over and over was observing that applying this rule simplifies individual composables.
As for the feedback: 1. Researching documentation generation was one of the top items on my list. I was planning to steal it from detekt 😊 I saw how you have
/`non-compliant` behavior and suspected that there's some gradle task or a shell script which generates nice markdown/html from this 2. Having auto-configuration of config.yml is another great thing, otherwise each plugin would have to ask users to manually put all rules in config and (more tediously) user would have to manually update their config whenever new rules are added (which I suspect they will forget). I'm currently still including those instructions, because this feature is available only on 1.20.x 3. Another thing is discoverability of custom rule sets. But I'm not sure, should this be some public catalog? Or mention in docs. BUT it will have to be maintained as rules would be appearing/disappearing/going-unmaintained etc, so not so easy, perhaps rule authors should self-advertise on the respective channels or in their related libraries.
1. If you are interested on that we can colaborate. Instead or copy&paste it to your repo we can work on a way to make that code generic enough that anyone can use it for their own projects.
2. Same as before. Those tools were developed the detekt main project in main but I we could work on them and make them work for anyone. 3. This is a HUGE problem. I have an idea about how to fix it or at least to have a quick win. I'm going to write it on an issue (I'll post the link here)
👍 1
1. Ok, I think I will try to use those tasks and provide you with the feedback how it worked and if there were any complications, suggestions.
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That would be great!
I continue to be amazed how well detekt is maintained, great work!
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