Has anybody successfully managed to run detekt wit...
# detekt
Has anybody successfully managed to run detekt with type resolution as triggers on their projects? Either CI after build or as pre-commit/pre-push git hooks?
Either CI after build
You should be able to run one of the Detekt task with Type Resolution in your CI: https://detekt.github.io/detekt/type-resolution.html Have you had any problems?
Performance issues to be more specific. The codebase is quite large and using capabilities like
option for detekt-cli has proven to be useful in our scenario. However no success setting up the cli to run with type-resolution. If I could somehow isolate the code to be inspected on gradle task, that would be awesome, but I don't think that's an option.
So yeah, running the task in CI with the built code is really the only way I've found so far, I'd like to know if this can get any better