What’s a roguelike game? I don’t see the harm, jus...
# books
What’s a roguelike game? I don’t see the harm, just beware writing books is even more work than writing tutorials. 😉 If you are teaching Kotlin in a step-wise fashion through the book, though, then why not? who cares if it’s a niche game genre?
are you speaking from experience?
I also want to learn the intricacies of writing a book
I’m author, co-author, and technical editor on three different Android/Kotlin books, if that’s what you’re asking? Basically, it’s a huge amount of work. It’s also an amazing learning experience, especially if you have the benefit of working with a good team. Have you thought about pitching your idea to RayWenderlich.com?
Yes, that's it! I have literally zero experience in writing books, but I want to try myself. I love writing (I have 2 technical blogs), and I have some over-arching ideas which would be decent book material (I guess).
@addamsson I highly recommend pitching your book to the RayWenderlich.com team. Writing and editing books with them has been a tremendous learning experience for me, and I'm sure it will reflect positively on my own independent book. They have quite an amazing process in place. If you don't get them to help you write it, then you can still always self-publish. That's what I'm doing with The Kotlin Book
Let me know if you want a direct intro and you can take it from there
thanks @fuad!
i'll get back to you once I reach that point 👍
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