Hi guys :wave: what is the expected difference bet...
# library-development
Hi guys 👋 what is the expected difference between alpha / beta? Are APIs expected to not change after beta or can they still change? Where can I find good resources about versioning of Android/Kotlin libraries? Thanks in advance!
There are no strict rules. Alphas are considered highly volatile and only for enthusiasts. Betas usually mean fixed feature-set but APIs that could change and are intended for broader auditory. Depending on the author betas could be used in production.
👍 1
Alright thanks 😊 another thing I was wondering.. for example "0.5.0-alpha01": does the alpha01 part mean it's alpha one of version 0.5.0 or is it just saying that 0.5.0 is alpha one of the library? In other words, would it make sense to do "0.5.0-beta01" and later "0.6.0-alpha01"?
I usually do something like 0.5.0-dev-16. It does not make a lot of sense to make alphas and betas for libraries with small number of users.
I see. I kind of want to have a way to convey the maturity of the library. I've been using "-alphaXX". Guess I'll keep doing that. Except now will move to beta phases. Thanks again!