:wave: Hello everyone, JetBrains would like to be...
# library-development
👋 Hello everyone, JetBrains would like to better understand the experiences of those who author Kotlin libraries. If you’ve ever developed one and you’d like to tell us about it, please fill out this form and we’ll get back to you to learn more. Thank you and have a nice day!
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Hello Andrei! Should we consider Gradle plugins made with Kotlin as libraries?
Another question: Why can't we select multiple options for the following question?
What types of software do you develop Kotlin libraries for?
Finally, I'm a bit surprised by the options for that same question: I see "Mobile Android applications", but I don't see any option for both Android and iOS, not watchOS and WearOS to give extra examples. I personally develop libraries for Android, but also some that are more general purposes and would work in a server or any user facing website or app, including desktop.
Hi @louiscad, Thanks for your feedback! There’s definitely should be multi-choice, we’ll fix that About answer options: this is not super important for us at this stage, please choose the most relevant one or write your own version. And for sure we’ll be glad to hear about your development experience too!
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Thanks for updating the survey, finally answered. Looking forward to chat about my experience! I want Kotlin multiplatform libraries dev to thrive, and I'll do my best to help make this happen.