Hey guys, I am having an issue with my kotlin libr...
# library-development
Hey guys, I am having an issue with my kotlin library project. when I export the project as
and compile it to a project that kotlin is not added to and having the exception
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "kotlin.jvm.internal.Lambda"
What could be the problem? My kotlin dependencies as below, api 'org.jetbrains.kotlinkotlin stdlib1.2.21' api 'org.jetbrains.kotlinxkotlinx coroutines core0.22.2' api 'org.jetbrains.ankoanko coroutines0.10.4'
Sounds like a pom.xml issue
I asked a question on stackoverflow : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48674893/kotlin-library-project-failed-resolution-of-lkotlin-reflect-kproperty Would appreciate if you take a quick look Louis!
for the record, the issue was that
file does not include the dependencies as @louiscad mentioned, the pom file wasn't including dependencies of the library module. solution can be found in the stackoverflow question above.