Here's a very small Kotlin Functional (Kofu) Sprin...
# san-diego
Here's a very small Kotlin Functional (Kofu) Spring Boot server I wrote:
You can run it locally on your machine just by cloning the repo and running with gradle. Here's a list of the API endpoints: // Users GET("/users", userHandler::listUsersView) GET("/api/users", userHandler::listUsersApi) GET("/api/users/{login}", userHandler::getUserApi) POST("/api/users", userHandler::createUserApi) GET("/sse/users", userHandler::createUserSse) // Messages GET("/messages", messageHandler::listMessagesView) GET("/api/messages", messageHandler::listMessagesApi) GET("/api/messages/{id}", messageHandler::getMessageApi) POST("/api/messages", messageHandler::createMessageApi) GET("/sse/messages", messageHandler::createMessageSse) // Configuration GET("/conf", userHandler::conf)
I think everyone who uses Spring Boot should be migrating to Kofu! But for some reason it hasn't really taken off like it should. Let me know what you think!
I haven't looked at this in awhile but it should be mostly functional!
This looks great, @Lou Morda! There have been some updates since over at Any chance you'd be up for presenting on it at our April meeting?
Looking forward to presenting next week @ianbrandt if you still need someone!
Hi Lou, Definitely. I'll update the meeting notice. Looking forward to it!