# arrow-contributors
we are planning to do a different
solution on extra requirements in our android state management. We wanted to bring in
work into our scope and also provide an environment for the binding. something similar:
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public suspend fun <E : Environment, ER, R> EitherScope<E, ER>.bind(
    f: suspend E.() -> Either<R, ER>,
) : R

public suspend fun <E : Environment, ER, R> EitherScope<E, ER>.bindAsync(
    f: suspend E.() -> Either<R, ER>,
) : Deferred<R>
instead of binding on the
type we bind on the scope and the bind argument return value will be evaluated. usage:
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either {
    val a = bind { this.myNetworkCall() }
    val b = bindAsync { this.myNetworkCall2() }
we baked in our Error type but could effectively provide a mapper for as the first argument.
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bind({ it.message }) { myCall() }
Isn't that Either.catch? with
yeah it is 👍
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val env = getEnvironment()
val a = Either.catch { env.networkCall() }.bind()
our usecase requires the environment so we could add it in scope 🙂
having async also adds quite a lot of nesting so we aimed to reduce the required setup
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coroutineScope {
    val env = getEnvironment()
    val a = async { Either.catch { env.networkCall() }.bind() }