<@UM95PD31P> <@U4UGS5FC7> Or someone with admin ac...
# arrow-contributors
@Rachel @raulraja Or someone with admin access to the GH repo. I think this PR is blocked because of something waiting for a check called
to finish. However, the PR splits the build into 5 parallel jobs with different names. Can someone check if there is a rule like this set on the repo? If so, can we change it to use regex? Or to all the build jobs. (May need to ask to update when we support JDK 16 hehe)
cc: @simon.vergauwen
Hi @pablisco, thanks!! As far as I know, regex is not allowed. Don't worry, after approving that pull request, the branch protection rule can be updated for the rest of pull requests 🙌
Bit of a catch 22, as we can't merge without that rule passing 😅
Oh nevermind, I think the approval is the only blocking requirement 👍
🙌 1