Are we planning to (or have already) support for `...
# arrow-contributors
Are we planning to (or have already) support for
?It’s becoming stable on 1.5? If only we get comprehensions would be a nice addition IMHO 🙂
Copy code
val friendsNames: Result<List<String>> = result {
  val user = getCurrentUser().bind() // Result<User>
  val friends = friendsFor(user).bind() // Result<List<User>> { }
Hey @pablisco 👋 Yes, we can add it for sure. We can actually already add them, as long as we also add the
annotation. IIRC it should go stable in 1.5 yes. If you have some time feel free to raise a PR for it, or otherwise create a ticket would be great!
🎉 1
Super, just wanted to check it wasn’t planned yet 🙂 I’ll see if I can find some time for it