is there a roadmap issue or a Github project with ...
# arrow-contributors
is there a roadmap issue or a Github project with the issues needed for 0.12 and 1.0?
@Rachel is there anything we can do to cross post issues from clickup to github?
Yes, according to the documentation it's possible to sync the issues - I'm going to talk it with someone with grants to do it!
👍 1
Hey @Rachel, was it possible to crosspost from clickup to github ? @raulraja / @simon.vergauwen is this the last Pr for version 0.12.0 ? I see
has no PRs left (apart from house keeping).
is this the last Pr for version 0.12.0 ?
Which PR? 😄 We're closing in on the release afaik, the libraries need an API review between 0.11.0 and 0.12.0 and we need to also prep a 0.13.0 release branch to make sure we
everything that needs to be
and then we're ready to release 😉
I meant this : but obviously it is merged 😛 arrow Okay. Awesome. Thank you so much and keep up the good work, been following your work and you have written a lot of code since 0.11.0
We've been working hard on streamlining all the code so we can get a MPP 1.0.0 release asap 💪
❤️ 2
This work paves the way to that, and I expect a 1.0.0-MILESTONE in the near future