just to confirm: we are waiting on <https://githu...
# arrow-contributors
just to confirm: we are waiting on https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-core/issues/147 to be fixed before merging https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-core/pull/239 right?
Not sure /cc @Rachel but if it comes down to not updating and sticking with a version of KotlinPoet until we kill the kapt processors then we can retrofit or go to any versions where those APIs are still there.
Right @stojan 🙌 AFAIK nobody is working on that issue now
I think just uploading is not gonna be enough. Some APIs also need to be updated to the new kotlinpoet artifacts that can read Kotlin Metadata...
Yes, it seems a lot of code could be removed
seems like the
discussion is heating up.... any ETA on meta? 😄
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@danieeh started integrating Meta in core. I think @Jannis layed out the issues very well and sucks it’s deprecated for now without an alternative but oh well
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Raquel and I are until Dec in a 47 project related to meta but if anyone wants to help Dani with the refactor I think we are gonna have after his first PR a clear IDEA of what needs to happen. He is working on a example with semigroup that introduces meta features and new 1.4 features like fun interface
yeah I’ve created a draft ticket so far.. so we can have an idea of the firsts steps: https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-core/issues/246 arrow meta compiler plugin is ready to be installed in the IDE already and I’m currently working on integrating the prelude module from meta into core.. once this is merged we can start refactoring
👏 2
Once we have a starting position that I can look at I'll take a shot at it as well. Can't wait to get my hands on meta in core 😅
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