Came across this one on arrow-fx :thinking_face:
# arrow-contributors
Came across this one on arrow-fx 🤔
There are several inline issues in 1.4, I’ve seen many like this and it’s not specific to arrow fx
Try with the latest milestone or try to repro outside of Arrow
I’ve removed all the code in the new module I’ve added and the problem still occurs. I’m gonna open a draft PR to test it against the CI and also in case someone has a better idea 🙂
updated the branch to make sure it’s not a layout issue
ok, I think that may have fixed the problem 💪 Thank you 🙂
LOL, if it does it was a total shot in the air, turn off / on style.
I think some of the inlining issues surface frequently if there is binaries lingering around the inliner has not updated on an incremental compilation
killall -9 java and a full clean and sometimes local repo blow up help too ;)
I’ll keep that in mind 💯 Thanks for the help 🙂
This is an issue with compiling with IDEA, if you change
Build and run using
Run test using
from the Gradle setting to use
instead of
IntelliJ IDEA
if fixes the issue. But the Kotest plugin requires
IntelliJ IDEA
or it doesnt work... so you'll still end up running test from Gradle CLI.
👍 2
I get this error from within intellij and from cli
./gradlew :arrow-fx-coroutines:test
(both with clean builds and after killing everything java related, so no in memory caches and hopefully no file caches either). I'll try after switching branches next...
Well that seems to work, so I guess @raulraja was spot on with layout issues^^
👌 1