I’m investigating doing android bindings with Stre...
# arrow-contributors
I’m investigating doing android bindings with Stream. Would there be any objection in creating a repository called
where we can put all android related libs? and slowly move things like
and similar over there. It will help with discoverability as well as remove Android build dependencies from other repositories (which can cause minor build time increases)
AFAIK we can use
for that
Yeah, but may want to have different tools related to Android as separate modules
I think it might depend on what you want to build, but I would encourage using that module since currently only holds 1 or 2 classes, so I don’t see the need for a separate one
☝️ 1
We're currently still missing a module for integration with KotlinX and Arrow Fx Coroutines. Same for Android and Arrow Fx Coroutines. Both modules are for
. I think it can go in the
module as @aballano said since stream is already included in the single dependency that module would depend on. I guess that would only include the vanilla bindings belonging to the sdk depedency. Other things like leanback bindings, etc should go in follow the module system of Android itself I think.
The other thing with bindings and android views is that there are multiple modules, so we wouldn't want to add every possible dependency on androidx... This is a place I'm planning to take inspiration from: https://github.com/ReactiveCircus/FlowBinding
I just realised I was saying the same thing @simon.vergauwen 😅 I was thinking something like
, etc. The fact that we are using fx and streams is an implementation detail IMHO, hence why I think it make sense to group all android libs together. Like, if we have extension properties to apply resources like
Union<String, Int>
on Views in the future, that could be on a separate module, and it’ll be easier to find if they are all together.