Hi, during the last couple of days I've tried to h...
# arrow-contributors
Hi, during the last couple of days I've tried to handle this issue: https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-fx/issues/168 I've selected this as an opportunity to better understand FP and how Arrow works and at the same time to give my little help to this project. Actually the problem behind this issue was bigger than expected, as the fix on
was quite easy but then it let some other hidden bugs come out... One on IO related to stack safety and one on Rx2 related to fork/join. I've patched the code in order to make it work but, without knowledge about the rationale of the design of the code, I suppose that there could be better ways to solve them. Anyway, my PR is: https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-fx/pull/167. How should I proceed now?
cc @simon.vergauwen