Questions related to tech debt (probably) - Any r...
# arrow-contributors
Questions related to tech debt (probably) - Any reason Arrow is targeting Java7 bytecode? even Android moved to 8 😄 - Any reason Arrow is using
instead of
Android is not moved to 8
☝🏼 2
it supports the language features, but does not support some APIs on all platforms like: time API or Streams
It force any user of Arrow to use Desugaring and also target Java 8, which is good, but still have build time penalties
I do not say that it’s bad to force people to migrate to Java 8, just want to say that it’s not free and may be a problem for some projects to adopt Arrow
👍 1
valid point... and I would say that is a feature.... popular libraries like Retrofit and OkHttp already have those requirements
also it will not give any advantages on practice
Yes, they do, and work as a force to push people to migrate, but those are huge on Android, but personally I wouldn’t migrate my own Kotlin-only library, just because I don’t see any significant advantages and it may be a problem for some projects to adopt it
I would say the adoption would not be a problem for Arrow... the intersection of people doing FP and are using Java7 bytecode is probably 3 people
yes, and how many of them on Android?
also, what would it change for Arrow?
not adding value is a valid point 🙂