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# arrow-contributors
@Imran/Malic https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow/pull/1509#issuecomment-509267111 Good job with FunctorFilter! Let’s do the others now 😄
👍 1
@raulraja What is your opinion about the transfer from MonadFilter, TraverseFilter and MonadCombine ?
It's fine, thought we were doing FunctorFilter first but those need to be relocated to for AQL Fx integration
so MonadFilter, TraverseFilter and MonadCombine should be in core right?
They can be in core but then we are leaving MTL to be teared appart like we did in Extras because that I can think MonadReader, MonadWriter etc… are not used at all and we never had questions or anything about those in the community
I also think they have little value given you can do DI with receivers an soon type classes which is much more performant than MonadReader etc.
Agree. Maybe we can discuss this at a later point. @pakoito I can create an issue for that if you agree ?
We agreed splitting MTL this way on one of the meetings. Keep the RWS on a package, and XFilter/Combine and other non-RWS typeclasses back to core
maybe rename arrow-mtl to arrow-rws
(Read Write State)
@Imran/Malic I guess we can move those too now
We should probably wait on renaming until we see what's left behind
I am on it 👌🏽
👍 1