one super easy ticket to add a function and its do...
# arrow-contributors
one super easy ticket to add a function and its docs!
@pakoito <joke>“super easy” does not mean what you think </joke> 😉
You mean my Beginner talk at Droidcon wasn't Beginner level?
I got so much deserved shit for that lol
The problem is me not you, Paco… I’m very clumsy with all this FP thing… can you give a link to that talk anyway?
I don't believe you are. It takes time, it's an exercise in unlearning and that's complicated. Took me years to get it off the ground, and to work on Arrow to solidify conceptd
🤗 2

That's the talk, it's not the Droidcon one but another recording. I polished the talk with some feedback so it's the better version too.