folks, I am doing some working in a integration be...
# arrow-contributors
folks, I am doing some working in a integration between Arrow and Spring Webflux. In case you would like see the progress, you can take a look here: Right now what I have is: 1 - The code for WebFlux is well done. It is functional and uses Fuctional Interfaces from Java 8. Buuut, 2 - It relies a lot in the reactor code so every interface uses Mono and Flux. That makes hard to integrate with Arrow, because I have to reimplement a lot of interfaces =|. 3 - Right now, my code it a mess... I am just trying create a POC. Cleaning comes after that.
👍 2
👌 1
note that we got the reactor integration so we have FluxK / MonoK wrappers. Maybe you can depend on that and use those ?
I don't think so. The idea is to be able to parametrise the response type to whatever we want so we can switch between Coroutines, React, RxJava seamlessly. So we need the the answer to be of
Kind<F, T>
Ok, makes sense