I'm sorry if this is asked often, and I'm too lazy...
# klaxon
I'm sorry if this is asked often, and I'm too lazy to look, so tell me to fuck off and search if so: Is Klaxon better than
? For what reasons should I use one over the other?
personally, I like Klaxon more than I do kotlinx-serialization, not only because ks has caused so many headaches and pain points on integration (with both IDE and the actual project) but because it's a little more frictionless when it comes to serialising and deserialising. Only thing is, there isn't a klaxon implementation for js yet, so MPP is a bit out of the window, whilst I think ks has support for all kotlin targets
Kotlinx-serialization requires plugins, and I couldn't work out how to get them all to work with my Kotlin gradle build script. I also tried Moshi, but couldn't persuade it to handle polymorphic serialization/deserialization.