I recently read this article <https://www.raywende...
# utah
I recently read this article https://www.raywenderlich.com/2780058-domain-specific-languages-in-kotlin-getting-started. I haven't made use of DSLs for any of my projects, but am going to give it a go this week for a simple use case.
@Michael Clark a lot of the work i do in kotlin (i do not work for any company or anything, just personal projects for the most part) involves DSLs and they can be really nice to use! they are also good for integrating in to a scripting environment you may have set up 🙂 it makes it easy for users who do not know programming too well to get more in to the content writing of any systems you may be programming for
this is awesome, they look really useful! for my use case, I want to use them to drastically simplify some of the complex builders we have on large POJOs, and hopefully gain some good will with the Java devs.
@RayeW47 I'm curious to know how they might work in a scripting environment. By scripting environment, do you mean .kts?
@Michael Clark the syntax in specific is very easy to fit in to a kotlin scripting environment, so yes a .kts file! There are script configurations you can set up either in the jetbrains IDE settings or via gradle (which is a lot more buggy at the moment), to have certain configurations (e.g. implicit imports, an implicit wrapper class around the kts file, etc) when in certain kts files (like
, etc.) and I feel like DSLs are a perfect fit for script files
interesting. thanks!