Hey I’m getting an error when trying to mock a KMo...
# mockk
Hey I’m getting an error when trying to mock a KMongo
with the following code
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data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

class Service(private val myDatabase: CoroutineDatabase) {
    private val userCollection: CoroutineCollection<User> = myDatabase.getCollection("users")
    suspend fun getById(id: Int): User? = userCollection.findOneById(id)
    // ...
    suspend fun insertUser(user: User): InsertOneResult = userCollection.insertOne(user)

fun myTest(): Unit = runBlocking {
    // Arrange
    val database = mockk<CoroutineDatabase>()
    val userCol = mockk<CoroutineCollection<User>>()

    every {
    } returns userCol

    val service = Service(database)
    val expectedUser = User(30, "Joe")

    coEvery {
    } returns expectedUser

    // Act
    val actualUser = service.getById(30)

    // Assert
    assertEquals(expectedUser, actualUser)
The error is
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class org.litote.kmongo.coroutine.CoroutineCollection cannot be cast to class com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoCollection (org.litote.kmongo.coroutine.CoroutineCollection and com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoCollection are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
I suspect this is due to functions like
being inline
i don’t know much about KMongo, but you’re right, the fact that getCollection<T>(String) is inline is likely the cause for the issue you are facing
👍 1
After some testing and debug I’ve managed to get this working as I described here