Hello, I have a.`sealed class Either` which either...
# mockk
Hello, I have a.
sealed class Either
which either a
or a
But actually no, because in my unit tests, mockk creates a subclass of
which is neither Left nor Right and break the contract of my type Is there a way to forbit mockkk to create a subclass of a sealed class?
Do you need to mock an
or are you wanting a warning/error when you try to mock a sealed class?
I want Koin to crash
currently no
in the near future https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-41214 will enable JVM support for sealed classes to prevent unauthorized subclasses even through reflective means
👍 2
Thanks, I +1ed the issue Wouldn't it be possible in the meantime to add to the sealed class an interface or an annotation like
to tell explicitely that the class is not to be mocked?
I've found an acceptable solution
Copy code
JvmMockKGateway.anyValueGeneratorFactory = { voidInstance ->
    object : JvmAnyValueGenerator(voidInstance) {
        override fun anyValue(cls: KClass<*>, isNullable: Boolean, orInstantiateVia: () -> Any?): Any? {
            if (cls == Either::class) return Either.Left(MockingError)
            return super.anyValue(cls, isNullable, orInstantiateVia)