Hello everyone. I'm trying to make use of `verify...
# mockk
Hello everyone. I'm trying to make use of
- verifying method call with the argument being an object equal to another object comparing field by field but ignoring one or more fields. So far the only reasonable solution I came up with was creating a
using AssertJ's
and wrapping it to `runCatching`:
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inline fun <reified T : Any> MockKVerificationScope.matcherFor(expected: T, vararg ignoredFields: String) = match<T> {
    runCatching {
example usage:
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verify {
    userRepository.save(matcherFor(expectedUser, "id"))
I found the above to be elegant enough from the calling side but was wondering if there would be any more straightforward way to achieve the same with less overhead at the same time. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
i think the most explicit way to achieve the same comparison would be to use a slot to capture the parameter being passed, and then explicitly asserting that the fields in your slot’s captured value have the values that you expect. something like this:
Copy code
val slot = slot<YourType>()
verify {
val captured = slot.captured
assertEquals(captured.someProperty, "expectedValue")
Thanks, but the thing is I wanted to avoid asserting each field individually for conciseness and also wanted to make the approach universal. Also, in my scenario, I would rather use
rather than
as I want to check if the method was called with some particular argument but I'm not assuming it was the first/only call to this method