that’s a tricky one and there’s an open issue abou...
# mockk
that’s a tricky one and there’s an open issue about it AFAIR. The thing is mockk still needs to somehow instantiate an instance of the class and thus execute a constructor. The bad answer to your question, then, is that ideally your constructors should not have side effects; a possible workaround could be to put them in a @PostConstruct method
Out of curiosity: why does mockk need to create an instance and then substitute it? From what I can tell, mockk() doesn’t have the same behavior, and just returns a mock instance of the targeted class without its real constructor having ever been called.
is it a limitation of kotlin?
and thanks.
probably because
is a function which is free to perform any proxy or objenesis magic it needs to achieve the result, but intercepting a constructor call is actually pretty difficult on the JVM, even more so than intercepting static calls
@Patrick Ramsey if you need this feature, try contributing it to mockk. it does not have enough developers.
that’s good to know on both counts
and unfortunate. It’s a great tool.
I’ll keep that in mind.
thanks to you both
+1 on both @ephemient’s comments, i could use a hand 🙂
thank you for all your hard work!
the most requested feature atm is also related to constructors, btw, it’s about being able to mock specific constructors with different behaviors depending on the parameters they take
that, too, sounds both useful and like a giant pain to implement. 😆
and +1 on constructors not having side effects. Just trying to retrofit tests onto an existing codebase that’s in need of some improvement
thanks again all of you!
I think mockito can mock without calling constructors. (I read that it uses objenesis to create classes without constuctor invocation)
that was my memory as well, but it’s been a while
but I can massage things and accomplish what I want a different way I think.